Sunday, February 10, 2013

Challenges in our lives

    Going through life to do our duties and achieve something for our community is not that easy thing. Every day we face a lot of challenges that stop us from doing what we dream about. Challenges are inevitable and no one of us lives without them no matter how lucky he is. We all face tough and difficult situations in life. Some of them are difficult to go over and take time, but we are capable of  passing  them and we have to never quit. The different between people who succeed in life and those who don’t is their ability to face the challenges wisely and not the absence of challenges. Keep in your mind that life  wasn’t designed for people to succeed from the first time. Moreover, the way you think about yourself affect your ability to face life challenges. Being flexible, learning how to recover from setbacks, thinking positively and working insistently are tools to go over any problem that can face you. Don’t forget to motivate yourself and simplify any problem. Finally, life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they are supposed to help you discover who you are.

By: Maha Alareeqi